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  • Freightliner


    2.50″ Upper Left Outlet: 2.50″ Lower Right, LH 1/2″ tube on 3/8″ center, 2 row core

    Height: 31.75"
    Width: 36"
    Depth: 2"
    Inlet: 2.5"
    Outlet: 2.5"
    Notes: Freightliner Radiator 1998 - 2002 Century/Columbia Series OEM # BHTC2307, BHTC7609, BHTH9353, BHTH0171, BHTH9352, BHTH9354, BHTD9460 HAVE THE VENT TUBE ON OUTLET SIDE If needing thre vent tube on the inlet side use FLA002229, Plastic Aluminum Structure

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